March 10, 2019

Oscar F. Toro

I build simple and correct software

Using the best tool for the job

My name is Oscar, chilean born and raised, based in Copenhagen since 2009. Information Technology Artisan, mostly functional programming. Classically trained musician; Poor, Hungry and Driven.

What I do

I build IT solutions applying what smarter people than me have discovered through Computer Science Research and Applied Mathematics.

I choose to work with

Erlang , F#, Scala, Elm, Haskell, Java, C#, Python, Rust, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Clojure and GraphQL in Linux

I would love to work with

ReasonML, OCaml, Elixir, SML, APL, Isabelle, Coq or Hack.

I know my Computer Science Theory

from the Computer Science Department at ITU of Copenhagen.

When I am not implementing algorithms, reading papers or finding problems

I intent to meet likeminded people on my spare time, which are around 6 in the big Copenhagen area. We meet once a month since 2013.

  • Clojure hacker at the Ministry of Taxation in Denmark.
  • Software Engineer intern @ Erlang Solutions Stockholm
  • Data Analyst intern @ Vedsmand & Jarlstrøm Copenhagen
  • Student Developer @ Report Soft Copenhagen
  • Software Developer @ Krizo
  • Teaching Assistant @ IT University of Copenhagen
    • for the BSc. course Programs as Data
    • for the MSc. course Advanced Programming (twice)
    • for the BSc. course Functional Programming
  • Graduate student MSc. Information Technology (Advanced Computing - Programming Languages) @ ITU of Copenhagen


Binary Decision Diagrams library

Social media



oscarftoro at protonmail dot com